End of Life DoulaAs an EOLD, I provide an Advocate to allow an individual to transition consciously with dignity. My duty is to provide choices to individuals and their families and non-medical support to empower them to envision and create plans and actions to have inner peace in the middle of their storm.
Death FormulatorEvery single second we are that much closer to death. Death is the one thing we all have in common after birth. There are things you need done. Right now is the right time to prepare for death. Perhaps at this particular time you are unable to get someone else to commit to your needs. I am here to help. Lets explore and execute your needs and wishes.
It's called The Conversation and "Ninety-two percent of people think it is important to talk about end-of-life wishes with their loved ones, but only 32 percent have done so". AARP 2020 I facilitate that conversation with you and your love ones via Zoom or in person within the Denver, CO metro area. I can also help with the:
SpeakerI offer two keynote speeches. One is titled, The Five Words That Make Some People Cringe. The other is, Incarceration to Transformation..
Not that other YOGA.Yoga, having the ability to be adaptive, gentle and restorative is the perfect exercise to enhance focus, relaxation, flexibility, strength and pain reduction.
As my own practice increased during a life changing event, I completed a 200 hour Yoga Alliance approved yoga teacher training to increase my knowledge, practice and teach others. I was also certified as a SilverSneakers Flex Instructor, and teach adaptive classes and 1 on 1 interaction. Services I provide to individuals or groups:
What I don't do are inversions, jumping, or long held poses unless supported and on the floor or bed. Officiant and Notary PublicI performed my first wedding in 2001, Couples in Illinois, Georgia, and Colorado have trusted me to guide their special event and put my signature on their wedding certificate. Although self solemnization is legal in Colorado, I am mobile and ready to make your wedding special. From a quick civil ceremony to a couple's exchange of their own vows, to a full blown custom event, it is always my honor to officiate special events.
As a mobile notary I am available to notarize OR witness your legal documents including those related to end-of-life, such as Wills or advanced planning documents. U.S, research states that less than 40% of Americans have their Advance Directive documents completed, These documents can be completed by the individual for free or I can provide a low cost resource to have these and other estate documents completed by an attorney. Living Wake, Living Funeral/Memorial,
Energy Work, Meditation, Aromatherapy, Hemp Oils
Hemp and essential oils can work alone or together to improve, relaxation, sleep, heart-rate,
focus, emotional balance, reduce, stress, pain, anxiety, and depression.
FYI...I am a registered Colorado Cannabis Caregiver.
focus, emotional balance, reduce, stress, pain, anxiety, and depression.
FYI...I am a registered Colorado Cannabis Caregiver.
Sitting Vigil
I am here to support you or your love one in the final hours...mind, body and soul. By this point, wishes have been expressed. I am an Advocate for the dying. Candle light. Favorite music. An open window. Religious or spiritual observance. Or, perhaps silence and darkness. Someone to understand the visions. Video call to say goodbye. Whether having someone near, or time alone, the goal at end of life, is comfort and peace. Research provides evidence that depending on the circumstance, the brain may not cease consciousness immediately at death. This is a time to help the dying understand and release into the final Circle of Life process.