During a disaster, FEMA has provide certain assistance programs. As the Covid pandemic has been a national disaster, we are in such a time. The December 2020 Covid relief package included $2 billion to reimburse families for Covid related funerals/burials held during 2020. This payment would not include expenses pay by other programs. At the present time, FEMA has stalled the program while working to avoid fraud and obtain correct death data. The CDC and P can not verify cause of death from the data provided to the federal government and will need to rely on state data. Furthermore, if an individual died with Covid, the death certificate may state another related cause of death; fore instance pneumonia. This leave Covid as a secondary cause. The program is bound to be messy and deny some families due to state record keeping and documentation.
For more information... https://www.politico.com/news/2021/02/25/fema-funeral-aid-coronavirus-471533 UPDATE LINK.... Applications started April 12, 2021 Comments are closed.